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Configuration Files


Pan3D uses JSON files to save an application state for reuse. The UI and the API include access to import and export functions which read and write these configuration files, respectively. This documentation provides guidelines for reading and writing these files manually.

There are five sections available in the configuration file format: data_origin, data_array, data_slices, ui, and render. The values in these sections will be passed to various attributes on the current DatasetBuilder instance and, if applicable, the corresponding DatasetViewer instance state.


    "data_origin": "",
    "data_array": {
        "name": "analysed_sst",
        "x": "lon",
        "y": "lat",
        "t": "time",
        "t_index": 5
    "data_slices": {
        "lat": [
        "lon": [
    "ui": {
        "main_drawer": false,
        "axis_drawer": false,
        "expanded_coordinates": []
    "render": {
        "auto": false,
        "x_scale": 1,
        "y_scale": 1,
        "z_scale": 1,
        "scalar_warp": false,
        "cartographic": false,
        "transparency": false,
        "transparency_function": "linear",
        "colormap": "viridis"

For more example configuration files, visit our Examples on Github.

data_origin (Required)

The value for this key may be a string or dictionary. If this value is a string, it should contain a local path or remote URL referencing a target dataset readable by xarray.open_dataset. If this value is a dictionary, it should adhere to the following schema.

Key Required? Type Value Description
source NO (default="default") str A string specifying a module to interpret the value for id. Options include "default", "xarray", "pangeo", "esgf".
id YES str A unique identifier of the target dataset. Depending on the value for source, this may be a path, url, name, or other unique id.

data_array (Required)

The value for this key should be a mapping specifying how to interpret the information in the target dataset. The following table describes keys available in this mapping schema.

Key Required? Type Value Description
name YES str The field that will be mapped onto a mesh for rendering. This should be a name of an array that exists in the current dataset. This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.data_array_name.
x NO (default=None) str The world coordinate value along X describing the grid/mesh. This should be the name of a coordinate that exists in the data array. This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_axis_names.
y NO (default=None) str The world coordinate value along Y describing the grid/mesh. This should be the name of a coordinate that exists in the data array. This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_axis_names.
z NO (default=None) str The world coordinate value along Z describing the grid/mesh. This should be the name of a coordinate that exists in the data array. This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_axis_names.
t NO (default=None) str The coordinate name that represents slices of data, which may be time. Unlike other axes, this axis can only show one index at a time. This should be the name of a coordinate that exists in the data array. This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_axis_names.
t_index NO (default=0) int The index of the current time slice. Must be an integer >= 0 and < the length of the current time coordinate.This value will be passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_time_index.

data_slices (Optional)

The value for this key should be a mapping of coordinate names (which are likely used as values for x | y | z | t in the data_array section) to slicing arrays. This mapping will be formatted and passed to DatasetBuilder.set_data_array_coordinates.

Each slicing array should be a list of three values [start, stop, step].

start: the coordinate value at which the sliced data should start (inclusive)

stop: the coordinate value at which the sliced data should stop (exclusive)

step: an integer > 0 which represents the number of items to skip when slicing the data (e.g. step=2 represents 0.5 resolution)

ui (Optional)

The value for this key should be a mapping of any number of UI state values. The following table describes keys available in this mapping schema.

Key Required? Type Value Description
main_drawer NO (default=True) bool If true, open the lefthand drawer for dataset and data array browsing/selection.
axis_drawer NO (default=False) bool If true, open the righthand drawer for axis assignment/slicing. Note: By default, this becomes True when a data array is selected.
unapplied_changes NO (default=False) bool If true, show "Apply and Render" button, which when clicked will apply any unapplied changes and rerender.
error_message NO (default=None) str If not None, this string will show as the error message above the render area.
more_info_link NO (default=None) str If not None, this string should contain a link to more information about the current dataset. This link will appear below the dataset selection box.
expanded_coordinates NO (default=[]) list[str] This list should contain the names of all coordinates which should appear expanded in the righthand axis drawer. Note: By default, this list is populated with all available coordinate names once the data array is selected.

render (Optional)

The value for this key should be a mapping of any number of render state values. The following table describes keys available in this mapping schema.

Key Required? Type Value Description
auto NO (default=True) bool If true, apply changes and rerender every time a configuration change is made.
x_scale NO (default=1) int The relative scale of the X axis in the rendered scene.
y_scale NO (default=1) int The relative scale of the Y axis in the rendered scene.
z_scale NO (default=1) int The relative scale of the Z axis in the rendered scene.
scalar_warp NO (default=False) bool If true, Apply scalar warping to the rendered mesh (extrude values in z-axis proportional to their magnitude).
cartographic NO (default=False) bool If true, render the data wrapped around an earth sphere.
transparency NO (default=False) bool If true, enable transparency mode for the rendered mesh, applying the current transparency function.
transparency_function NO (default="linear") str The name of the transparency function to apply when transparency is enabled. Options are "linear", "linear_r", "geom", "geom_r", "sigmoid", and "sigmoid_r".
colormap NO (default="viridis") str The name of the colormap to apply to the rendered mesh. Any matplotlib colormap name is a valid value.