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Pan3D aims to be an utility package for viewing and processing a wide variety of multidimensional datasets. Any dataset that can be interpreted with xarray can be explored and rendered with Pan3D.

For an introduction to this project, check out our blog post.


To install requirements for the DatasetBuilder class only:

pip install pan3d

To install requirements for the DatasetViewer user interface:

pip install pan3d[viewer]

Optional: to install requirements for Pangeo and ESGF catalogs, respectively:

pip install pan3d[pangeo]

pip install pan3d[esgf]

Recommended: To install all requirements, including optional packages:

pip install pan3d[all]

Quick Start

pan3d-viewer is the main entrypoint for launching Pan3D locally. Below are some example usages.

To launch Pan3D without a target dataset to browse XArray examples:


To launch Pan3D with a local path to a target dataset:

pan3d-viewer --dataset=/path/to/dataset.zarr

To launch Pan3D with a remote URL to a target dataset:

pan3d-viewer --dataset=

To launch Pan3D with a compatible configuration file (see examples):

pan3d-viewer --config_path=/path/to/pan3d_state.json

To launch Pan3D with the option to browse the Pangeo and ESGF Dataset Catalogs:

pan3d-viewer --catalogs pangeo esgf

Or you may specify only one catalog:

pan3d-viewer --catalogs pangeo

pan3d-viewer --catalogs esgf

The pan3d-viewer entrypoint will automatically launch your default browser to open localhost:8080.

To launch without opening your browser, add the --server argument to your command.



Pan3D comes with a set of example configuration files and example Jupyter notebooks in the examples folder. You can checkout the repository to run these locally, or you can use the Pan3D Binder instance to run these examples.